Saturday, May 5, 2012

The elements of Film and Theatre By: Michael Garcia

The elements of Film and Theatre By: Michael Garcia

            Although we may not know it at first, the cinema and plays are very similar. Film has always been a big interest for me. I often read screenplays for movies just to get a better understanding of the films. It wasn’t until after reading the introduction to drama that I noticed that film and the stage contain almost entirely the same elements. For starters, both film and theatre contain a three part structure including a beginning, middle, and end. Also, both stories must contain suspense and conflict so that the audiences aren’t left bored and disengaged. We can also see that throughout time, some plays have made good movies like Romeo and Juliet, A few good men, and Casablanca.  
Hollywood even recently with Anonymous, has made movies detailing the life of William Shakespeare; a famous playwright.   Even with all the similarities between the two formats, people still find the movies more entertaining. This is probably because film has an advantage in its presentation. Everything about a movie contours to the audience, like the loud score and computer generated imagery to dazzle the moviegoers. When it comes to the stage, the audience must follow and focus on the details more closely. I believe, though, that film and theatre will continue to have many memorable accomplishments. I think the similarities are so close that most people who like movies will love plays just as much.   

For more information on the drama of film and theatre visit: 


  1. I agree they had alot in common, but there are more elaberet emotion or some sort of extended parts on hamlets emotion, as in the book, he doesnt really do it or if so, not so much

    yvette ortiz

  2. i agree i do find going to the movies or looking at play are more entertaing because when you go look at the movie or play it kind of seems like you are right there in it than just reading the book with all of the different ways they are talking

    1. Yeah, sometimes when I read a book it comes across like the characters are always talking and there isn't much "action."

      Michael Garcia

  3. I agree with your assessment as how to how similar they are in structure. The big advantage film has over a play other than the obvious aftertouches is the fact that there can always be a "retake." If an actor on stage loses their motivation in a critical scene, all immersion for an audience member could cease. Film, however, can even make the most limited and two dimensional actor seem complex through doing a scene dozens of times for that perfect take.

    Brian McNulty

  4. I agree, film is taking over with the modern technology available, as well as expectations of entertainment seekers. I will be honest and say that I have fallen prey to movies over plays, basically because of the availability. However, I agree also that theatre will always be around, there will always be groups of people that enjoy to create the imagery for themselves instead of having Hollywood portray the story.

    Alex Stofferan

  5. Film is great because it really puts a better understanding on mood and action scenes, but they could never replace a book in detail. There are so many scenes left out of movies just because of low budgets or time frames. With plays you don't have the instant swap between scenes as in movies either, there a pause as the scenery changes and maybe that gives a dull affect on plays to the adience. Oh and you can't make a play about huge explosions and gaint robots

  6. movies and plays over reading any day, its more entertaining and i pay more attention that way.

  7. Movies are quite understandable do to facial expressions, acting and etc!

  8. I agree. I think the theatre is more attractive to some people because they are encouraged to be engaged throughout the play by all the small details and little actions going on, whereas in movies what the audience sees may be limited by the camera.

    Gilberto Flores

  9. I disagree. I personally cannot stand to watch a play on stage. Maybe
    it is because I have no imagination... it is just not my thing. I much
    prefer reading it as a text or seeing it as a movie. Either give me
    everything or give me nothing, but dont give me bits and pieces.

    Cassidy S.

  10. I do have to say though that I enjoy reading the book version of a movie prior to going to see it. To me I get more out of the book and am able to let my imagination run. This allows me to fill in the blanks during the movie that may arise due to the fact that a movie has to be cut down so as to not be too long and overwhelming.

    Gilbert Rangel

  11. I could see plays as entertaining, but I believe movies are so much more better. This is mainly because I like seeing the movies that can't really be created on a stage unless they suddenly had CGI or holograms to create awesome explosions.
